Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween Weekend!!

So it's all been leading up to this- and no matter how you spend it (be it in costume at a party, giving out candy, or just looking at a pumpkin) make yourself know that this is Halloween! We only get one a year- so enjoy and savor the terrifying moment!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! (And if you've got nothing going on Halloween night- you can listen to "Hillbilly Willy Returns" or our 'Halloween Party on the Internet' shows- in the player on the right, or on itunes!)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Elijah Wood TV Show Coming to FX

Elijah Wood is set to star in a new show for FX about a dog named Wilfred. (I think it's not really a dog but a man in a dog suit, judging by the photo on THIS page which also has more details).

Hopefully this show will be good and we'll have little Frodo on our TV sets for years to come!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hang Up Your Stocking

I know it's a few days until Halloween, but HERE are the details of the 'Glee' Christmas album!!!! Can't wait!! (Beware there are potential spoilers, but they're not incredibly spoilery. Meaning you might learn the name of the actor playing Kurt's boyfriend).

TV Characters in Costume

Check out THIS site for a nice rundown of 17 television characters and the Halloween costumes they have chosen. Enjoyable and seasonal (my 2 favorite things!)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Geeky Are You?

See just how many Geek positions you fall into by visiting THIS SITE. I count somewhere around 5 for me.

And the Future Best Movie Ever Is . . .

As yet untitled comedy from "Sex and the City" director Michael Patrick King! It's got (you may wanna sit down; oh I am sittin' down) Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock, and Oprah!!!!!!!!!

Look under your chair because you've just won a new favorite movie!!! I can't wait! I just hope these ladies don't drop out of the movie and it ends up starring Laura Linney, Christina Applegate, and Queen Latifah. (That movie would be okay, but not the epic this 'Death Becomes Her' meets 'While You Were Sleeping' meets 'The Color Purple' film will surely be!)

Are You Halloweening? Pt. 3

You should be! Only uh . . . like 9(?) scaring days left til the 31st!!! One fat podcaster is celebrating the season by watching "Young Frankenstein" (not that you can tell above) and eating a bountiful harvest.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Scary Healthy Halloween Smoothie Recipe!

The nutritionists at Cliff and Kendall Labs have perfected a perfect way to "trick" your kids into eating their vegetables!! The "treat" will be their cardio-pulminary health .

For this "wicked concoction" you will need a blender, 5 oz leaf spinach (which is a lot!), 7 thawed or raw strawberries, 1 packet low-calorie lemonade mix (not the individual serving size, the big jug size which will be 20 calories total), about 3/4 cup of water (give or take), and 5-6 ice cubes.

Start by blending the spinach with water until it turns into bright green witch-colored liquid. Add the strawberries and lemonade packet. Blend until strawberries have married completely into the spinach liquid. Add ice cubes and blend until smooth.

Pour that shit into a Halloween glass and tell your kids they're drinking "monster snot!" Or if they're still really into Shrek- "Shrek Diarrhea!" This actually tastes great and as you can see is very healthy! Have a "happy" Halloween!!!!

Something Something Flux Capacitor!

It's the (72nd) birthday of the one and only Christopher Lloyd who gave us the indelible Doc Brown that took us to the future and back and back and forth like that several times.

GREAT SCOTT!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Don't let Biff get the sports almanac!!!!!!

Are You Halloweening? Pt. 2

There's no excuse for your wall outlets or the high corners of your rooms to not be Halloween-ified!!! Deck the Halls with Boughs of SCARY!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Regrets, I've Had a Few . . .

"It was only a small! Only a small!!!" will not hold up in court.

Even Sexy People Have Birthdays

Little Zac Efron turns 23 today. I'm tearing up a little because he is the spitting image of our old assistant Sebastian (whom we recently contacted on 'the other side'). Happy Birthday Zac!! Though I can't imagine how today could be any better than any other day, what with you looking like you do and all. Probably every day for you is better than 10,000 Super Bowls for the average joe.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What We Need Now

Click HERE to find out 4 Ways to "Look Thinner Instantly"- sadly their 1st tip is the only one that would apply to me.

Friday, October 15, 2010

You're Invited to our Halloween Party on the Internet!

We've got Bad Jokes, beloved special guests, "What the Trick'r Treaters R Saying," musical numbers, a sexy seance, 'Would U Rather-Halloween Edition,' and so much more scary-good-fun you won't want to miss!

So whether you're home all alone or looking for an activity that will take up around 52 minutes of your upcoming Halloween fiesta- you've no need to search further! It's the ghoulish event of the season right here!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Guess I Can Die Now

Season 7 of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" has finally been released!!! This completes my collection and fulfills most of my childhood dreams. Thank You Universe!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

These Are Your Nuggets

The above photo is of a wet-food-stuff that fills your chicken nuggets and chicken patties. I always loved them as a child. And though it's pretty darn nasty, if I still ate meat I don't think I'd care. I care more about them being tortured, living lives of constant pain, and then being killed in a manner so grisly it is better suited to a "Saw" movie.

Click HERE for more on the above photo (if you blorch, don't say we didn't warn you!)

No More Child Pimps

Click HERE to see more of the most inappropriate children's halloween costumes!!


Can someone please tell me what is up with Joey Lawrence's hair?? Does he have hair anymore? If so- I'd say he needs to GROW it OUT. If not I'd say he needs to find a wig or BE BALD. Okay so there's no such thing as going bald with dignity- BUT you can do it without shame. Has he opted for a makeup artist instead- to stipple faux hair follicles all over his newly chromed dome?

So none of us can look as hot as we did in 1992, but there's no reason for the Mr. Clean look- unless you are black, Patrick Stewart, or in fact MR. CLEAN.

Maybe he needs one of Blossom's hats. This is all simply my own personal opinionation, of course.

Explode Yourself

Are your photos boring and explosion free?? Well, they don't have to be any more! You can now use the Bayifer to transform the banal images of your everyday life into stills from a Michael Bay action blockbuster!!!! Just look what it did for us!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Are You Halloweening? Pt. 1

I hope you are taking this October evening and feeling the Halloween spirit!! I am watching "Elvira: Mistress of the Dark"- perfect movie!!!! Classic!


Let's Make Good Choices

It is SO HARD to try and get up and make healthy choices every day. It is bleak to look at a calendar and think "I have to eat only the right things for all those days!!" Which, let's be honest. is not possible. I think we have to look at TODAY. Let's take one half of a portly podcasting pair for example. This person's pants button. Barely. He is one Blizzard away from a shopping spree in the Big & Tall section if he wants to wear anything but shorts and sweatshirts this fall/winter.

Can you see his bleak outlook? Do you feel his pain? He has begun a habit of what's called binge-eating. That means he sits and eats multiple meals worth of calories, just because. He knows he shouldn't. He knows it's unhealthy, FATtening, and wreaks havoc on his appearance, confidence, and moods.

It seems like the only thing to do is focus on today. What choices can be made that will benefit the goal of fitting into his jeans (while still being able to breath)? We cannot change the past. (The pizzas ordered and eaten cannot be sent back). He can only make good choices NOW. The future cannot yet be determined. What he does or does not eat on October 23rd is anyone's guess. But he can be in control of what he is eating NOW. If he is exercising NOW. (And as you've guessed- it's always NOW).

If you're reading this, it is NOW and you have the power to help or hurt yourself. You can run over to the DQ and get a medium brownie batter Blizzard with Oreos and peanut butter- OR you can eat an apple, a 15 calorie popsicle and some vegetable mash. The choice is not really what to eat or not eat- it's 'Do you want to put on your pants and not have to lay down?' or 'Do you want to button your jeans, sit down, and have the button fly off and take out someone's eye?'

Friday, October 1, 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal. In bed. Naked.

So yes, the poster for the upcoming cinema event 'Love and Other Drugs' has been released!!! I have provided it here with a slight alteration. I don't want you to think I find Anne Hathaway's face offensive- not in the least! But in this poster she has been given a seemingly unnecessary photo-shop-facelift. It was mildly creepy and distracted me from counting the freckles on my husband's knee. (21).

Enlarge for all the glory!

It's October 1st!!!!!!!

I hope you spend it doing something frightening! Or preparing to do something frightening! Each year we only get one official kick-off day to the Spooking Season- use it wisely. Do whatever you can to get into that precious Halloween spirit!

'Cliff and Kendall Bonus Month' (Patent Pending) may be over, but the Most Horrifying Time of the Year has only just begun- and we've got some wicked things in store for our listeners!

Today, you can catch our new episode "Old Wives Tales" up on itunes, here on the blog, or even on our Facebook page. It's all about those superstitious sayings we've all grown up around and now can finally hear a podcast about!

And coming up this month . . . we've got Zombies, Halloween Parties, and the return of a certain demon-possessed-Pig-Farmer!

It's never too early to wish you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Where's Fatso

Look closely in this photograph and you will see the remains from my frozen delicious Achille's heel. (Enlarge if you must, but recall that I have enlarged my already bloated body with the above mentioned item).