Friday, May 28, 2010

A Middle Eastern Fantasy Starring Carrie Bradshaw

Loved it! Haters to the left- go suck some dick Samantha hasn't already claimed. The girls are back in a movie that's part "Sex and the City" TV series, part "Lawrence of Arabia," and a little bit Marx brothers.

The first half hour features Liza Minnelli singing "Single Ladies" which is well worth the ticket price alone. Tremendous! Carrie me to Number 3!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Gay Stereotype

Funny cause it's true! (Click for larger)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Yes, Really- RPatz

Okay so today in 19 FUCKING 86 Robert Pattinson was born.

Yeah, I'm so astounded by the thought of him being BORN in 1986 that I can't do the math to know how old he is. (I think that's a blessing).

In 1986 I was NOT being born- I was either snorting coke of a dead hooker's taint or starting kindergarten.

Happy Birthday RPatz! Hopefully your amazing beauty and millions of dollars will afford you a happy day.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Goodbye Youth Part 259

Driving one more nail into the coffin of a "Cliff and Kendall-Style Childhood" is the announcement that Movie Gallery, Inc. is closing its remaining brick and mortar stores.

This includes all remaining Hollywood Video stores (and Movie Galleries I'm guessing). Read more HERE.

So sad- I remember the days of choosing a stack a VHS tapes to take home and watch, inside, in the dark (this was my childhood, remember?) Another of my favorite things from the 80's and early 90's-gone! Along with Clear Pepsi, Dixie Carter, and the ability to watch a Tom Cruise movie and actually be able to think about the movie and not couch-jumping or Xenu worship.

To everything turn, turn, turn . . .

David Sedaris Movie Coming!

Read THIS article to see the details, but someone is finally going to film one of David Sedaris' immensely popular tales- one I can't recall, but it's named "C.O.G." from (my favorite) Naked.

Maybe for a sequel they could do the story where he went to a nudist colony! And Mr. Gyllenhaal could play David Sedaris!!! (Where's the Facebook group to support this!?!??)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Justin Timberlake (my old flame) is going to be in a "comedy" with the voice of the daughter from "Family Guy." They will play "love interests."

The title will be "Friends with Benefits." I chose the picture of JT above because he was looking very "actorly." Like maybe he and Jason Robards had just gone out for steaks and cognac.

The photo below reminds me of how he once looked when I had this poster hanging in my boudoir.
You: Oh no he didn't!
Me: OH YES HE DID. I mean, Oh yes I did! (I really did).


Patrick Dempsey has been signed to play an "important role" in "Transformers 3" (due out next summer).

I can only guess this means he will be an Autocon or Deceptibot, but am not sure how to feel about his beautiful head of hair being molded out of chrome. (Or rather CGI'd into looking like chrome).


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oprah is Cliff and Kendall

This video is great for exactly 2 reasons: Charlotte's reaction to being asked about the "Sex and the City 2" poster (where the gilrs have mostly been photo-shopped beyond recognition) and the last 2 or 3 seconds where Oprah exposes what she's really going to be doing while enjoying the Met's Fashion Gahhhla.