Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jellyfish Attack!!!

THIS story is terrifying!!! A 10 year old girl was stung, not just stung- ENVELOPED- by a box jellyfish and lived to tell the tale!!

She's a Beyonce-level Survivor!

. . . This Entire Life Behind Things . . .

I still think of this whenever I see a bag blowing around.

. . . there's no reason to be afraid. Ever.

It may not be cool to love this movie anymore- but I still do!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Show: 10th Anniversary of the Year 2000

Recatch Millenium Fever this week on the show!! We're celebrating the 10 Year Anniversary of the Year 2000!

You won't believe all the things old people like us feel like were just yesterday- but were in fact 10 years ago!!!

We've got Things You Should Know and Songs You Should Know to jog your memory- as well as some BAD Jokes to relieve the pain!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bell in the MoFo Inkwell, Y'all!

Have you seen the new 100 Dollar Bill???????

Well, of course I don't mean in real life- I'm aware how sassy the economy is being right now- but I mean in the internet way??

It's effin' fancy as Kendall might say- and maybe some loose slut designed it, cuz it's gonna look good up on a hooker's dresser.

Sass, sass, dirty joke. And oh yeah- there's a LIBERTY BELL in an ink well!!! Click HERE to read another sassy description of the new C-Note and see a government video that promotes us all getting some Benji's!

Happy Birthday Jack Nicholson!

One of the silver screen's greatest is eating cake today!!

Won't you eat a slice with him? And perhaps watch "Batman," "Terms of Endearment," or "The Shining"?

(Say it like "Heeeeeere's Johnny!!!!!!") Haaaaappy Birrrrrrthday, Jackie!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In Case You Were Wondering

This is the picture and definition of Obesity!

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Adorable Group of Curmudgeons Still Oppose Books

Click HERE to read the article that addresses the time honored Patriotic duty that some good ol' Americans still carry out every day!! That duty: sending letters to the library to let those free-wheelin' card catalog types know that them books on the shelves are bad for the kids!!!

Now- I (like one or two other people out there) count "The Catcher in the Rye" as one of my favorite books- so it's nice to see that people are still getting riled up over it in this age of naked phone pictures and Pokemon.

Also- on the list, something called "ttyl" which is a book written entirely in TEXT messages! (Really!) The "Twilight" Series (which I would oppose for the LACK of sparkly disco sticks, which is what we really all want). And a book called "The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things" which is surprisingly NOT a Cliff and Kendall auto-biography.

Phelps Farts in Public!!!

Michael Phelps- the weed loving Gold Medalist with the bangin' bod and unfortunate face was at a ballgame and farted on a bunch of people. Read more about it HERE!!!

HILARIOUS!! The picture below is priceless! Look at how they all can't believe he's making them suffer through his bottom belches!!

The folks around him- old codgers, young children- are all STUNNED!!

This E-mail Made Me Happy

So I awoke this morning to an e-mail from my co-host K-------. (See above). In case you can't zoom and enhance- the entirety of its text read: "WHY AM I SO FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It wasn't even a question, but an exclamation-shouted from a mountain peak, into the face of God. If you've ever experienced this- you might be Cliff or Kendall.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gaga is Inspiration!!

I love when Lady Gaga inspires others!!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Goodbye Julia Sugarbaker

The forceful actress who sold draperies to all of Atlanta has passed on into "Cloud to Cloud" territory. She was 70 years old, and there's no word yet as to cause of death.

Dixie Carter's "Designing Women" character Julia was known as "the Terminator" and was the powerfully feminist Dorothy/Maude of the group. She will be missed!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Episode: That's Money Honey!

This week's show is all about SAVING MONEY!!! It's a free way to spend 46 minutes and 38 seconds!! Up now on itunes- we've got Bad Jokes, Things You Should Know, and a free Journey to Busheltown!!

A penny saved is a penny earned- and a podcast heard is . . . well . . . you'll be happy you listened when you're rolling in the green!!! (And I ain't talkin' Irish clover!)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all- in honor of Bunny Day why not listen to the greatest (and catchiest) of all Easter songs!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Join Our "Easter Egg Hunt"!!

This week we're back with an Easter Egg Hunt!! If you look behind that bush- you'll see Weird News, a Media Minute, and FILTHY AWFUL Bad Jokes!!!

Hop on over to itunes and fill your Easter basket with an mp3 of "Cliff and Kendall: Coast 2 Coast"!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Sorry, that last post made me blorch so much I thougt I owed it to you to make you feel better. Hope this helps.

A Video Tribute to Our Hero

We just love the smart, intelligent, heroic, and inspirational figure that is Sarah Palin. From her confrontations with the liberal and elitist media, to the strong support she shows our troops overseas- she is simply a class act, and please Dear Jesus: the next President of the United States!

She is everything we strive to be: lovable, loving, smart, and she embodies the spirit of the real America. Patriotism is her strong point, along with problem solving, and perserverance. There's never been a problem our Sarah couldn't whip into shape- including horrible non-Christians and the fags and jews.

Say it with me: Sarah in 2012! Sarah in 2012!!!