Friday, July 31, 2009

Several False Moves - New Show!

Cliff and Kendall are on their "Bringin' SassyBack Tour," but that doesn't stop them from delivering a stellar episode to their listeners!

This week, it's all about the episodes that never panned out. A collection of "less than perfect" ideas for shows. This episode does include bad jokes and lots more sass. A brand new episode not to be missed!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Life After Death!

New show up now! Do you know what happens to you when you die? We do, sort of. We have our resident expert and two time guest star Tony to let us in on the secrets. Bad Jokes, Stupid Questions, and Weird News. It's a BELCHIN' good time.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back in Business!

Hey Listeners,

We are back in business. Our server is back up and sassier than ever. I guess we overloaded their server with our level of sass. Anyway, go ahead and download our show on Itunes and enjoy. Sorry for the delay and we hope it won’t happen again. Thanks, as always, for your continuing dedication to Cliff and Kendall: Coast to Coast.

Cliff and Kendall

P.S. We Love You!

. . . and the show currently up: Harry Potter and the Extremely Obese Podcasters!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter and the Extremely Obese Podcastors

New show up now. Come with Cliff and Kendall on this magical journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Learn how to make butter beer, hear some magical baaaad jokes, and see if you can answer the hardest Harry Potter trivia around. See you at platform 9 3/4!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


A very happy birthday is wished by us to one of our favorite sweaters/sources of inspiration!  Richard Simmons turns 61 today!!!  Many happy returns Richard!! Keep on a'sweatin!

We love you!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Show: Music City, U.S.A.

This week we're coming to you from Nashville TN- better known as Music City, U.S.A! With Kendall's mom and other special guests we bring you the best southern fried goodness of the Athens of the South!

We deliver countried up Things You Should Know, a zany round of Kendall's Stupid Questions, Hillbilly Bad Jokes, and an extra special News from Kendall's Mother. This one is fun- get your Nashville on with this week's special show!

Friday, July 10, 2009

(Belated) Best 2 Hours of My Life!!!

I know I have mentioned that I am addicted to "Clean House" on the Style network, but its recent "Messiest Home in the Country 3" Special was the best two hours of my life!!!!!!!!!!!

Host Niecy Nash is my favorite person alive (and I like her more than the dead too!) and she makes life worth living! I love the other members of the regular cast too (Mark, Matt, and Trish! I want to be best friends with them all!!)

If you've never seen it: They take a cluttered home, sell the junk in a yard sale, use the $$$ made to redecorate the worst rooms. GENIUS!!! And the Messiest Home had it all: Sassy hosts, INSANE amounts of crap clogging up EVERY room in the house (must be seen to be believed!), and nutball homeowners that flip out!! Niecy cried there was so much crap everywhere!

They really help the families on the show, that's the best part (next to the loveable hosts!!)

For the first time in "Clean House" history . . . I love it when they say that!!

BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
They rerun the shows all the time on Style, and the Messiest Home seems to still be in heavy rotation- so set them DVRs!!
Sorry I just had to share.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

See Ya, B***h!

Now that you've resigned over a year early, please go dig a hole and crawl deep into it. Don't leave a trail of bread crumbs, we don't want you to find your way back. Live a long and beautiful life as a hockey mom and whatever the fuck else. Just leave us the hell alone.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Holy Old Age, Batman!

oh holy Lord!!! Tim Burton's amazing "Batman" turned 20 just over a week ago!! It changed how we think of blockbusters, movie villains, and home video- and it totally ruled my life the summer I was 7 years old- and did so until the summer I was 10 years old- when "Batman Returns" came out.

Holy Flurking Shnit I am ancient!!! But what a ride! (The movie, not my life). 

Friday, July 3, 2009

New Show: This One's 4 America!!!

Our new show is up now!! You will be asked to salute! 

This is the show made for our country! Full of patriotism! Red, White, and Blue!! Eagles will soar with all the music, bad jokes, and more in this episode! 

Mr. Snodbottom's American Moment, Kendall's Stupid Questions, and Little Johnny meets George Washington!  

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Now I Remember!!

After watching "Transformers Part Deux" yesterday, I kept trying to think of this quote from "The Wizard of Oz." It's what the wizard originally says when the Tin Man approaches him. Can YOU guess why this sprang to my mind in the middle of the Shia La Boof movie??

"You DARE to come to me for a heart, do you? You clinking, clanking, clattering collection of kaligenous junk!"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Old News: Transformers Edition

I know we usually warn you ahead of time, but we're running late trying to keep up with all the celebrities in line to host "Cliff and Kendall: Cloud to Cloud." Mr. Rogers and George Carlin will be on vacation next week, filling in on their behalf is Ed McMahon and the last minute addition of Karl Malden. Those of you in heaven, be sure to tune in!!

Anyway: Even though, "Transformers 2: Attack of the Toasters" has made 417 billion dollars in its first five minutes of release: please be aware it is a lousy sequel! And this is coming from me, Cliff, who actually enjoyed the first one. #2 is a stinker though, SADLY!

I still think little La Beouf had one of the cutest mugshots though.

Zac pulls a Cliff and Kendall!

The well-known actor Zac Efron was spotted on a beer run yesterday!! He must have been on his way to host a podcast! You'll notice he chose to drink Corona Light- Corona because he must have been listening to last year's Cinco de Mayo episode (again) and Light because he's gotta watch his figure if he wants to retain his sunset-like beauty!
Drink up, Zac! and Cheers!!!