Friday, May 29, 2009

Season 4 is here!

Our season 4 premier episode "Summer Blockbuster Show" is now up and ready for your listening pleasure. Speaking of summer blockbusters, don't miss the mini-series Kendall worked on for three months in Phoenix "Maneater" airing Saturday and Sunday night on Lifetime. Check your local listings. And stay here with Cliff and Kendall: Coast to Coast all summer long for plenty of sass.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

News Brief!

Why don't chimps get alzheimer's?? READ here!

Texting will cause your kids lives 2 be ruined!! READ here!!

Something stupid still happens. READ here!

Something else stupid. HERE

Relief for ME. Relief for YOU???

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Shocking iPod News!!!!!

Read THIS article to hear how your iPod may be dangerous to your health!! Also how it can be like living in the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"!! Although I prefer the book- sorry Nicholson fanatics!! I own "About Schmidt" and owe much of my childhood to his portrayal of the Joker!! Sorry for all the double exclamation points!!! I'm just very excited about this blog post.

OMG--- I just realized that in the first sentence of this paragraph I wrote "Read this article to hear . . ." You hear with your ears!!!! Stupid!! God, I am so dumb!!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Que Beauty! Dios Mio!

I can't wait to see Penelope Cruz in her new movie- which, judging by this photo, is a Bea Arthur biography!!

. . . So Much Younger Than Me.

So this week our new episode is the Cliff and Kendall-ful homage to our beloved Ira Glass and his cronies over at "This American Life." Last week's show was all about Starting Over and well, as you (surely you did) heard I am going back to college. I feel very Jerri Blank, but then I feel like I want to die. But then I remind myself that they told Barbra not to make "Yentl" but dammit she did and it was fureaking amazing!!! She had to work hard for years, but then she did what she set out to do.

The above clip has nothing to do with Barbra Streisand, but everything to do with my life. Enjoy! (It is shaky and bootleg, but very funny nonetheless).

Quote of the Day:

"The meal is not over when I'm full, the meal is over when I hate myself." - Louis C.K.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thank God: E.T. Staying Home

From IMDB:

"Director Steven Spielberg has ruled out plans to make a sequel to kids' movie classic E.T., insisting it's "a closed story".

The filmmaker was reported to be in talks with the movie's star Drew Barrymore, who featured when she was just six years old, to reunite her character Gertie with her extraterrestrial friend in a new installment of the picture, 27 years after the original.

But Spielberg has already dismissed the notion, telling Empire magazine: "I'm never going to make E.T. II - E.T. is a closed story.

"It had a beginning, middle and a definite ending, and we had nowhere to take it except to go home with him. Nor did I want to bring him back to Earth for a second time."

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Show: Starting Over (Again)

Have you ever thought of rebeginning again?? Well, this week you can along with your old fat buddies Cliff and Kendall!

Also, have you noticed how the world is in a constant state of flux where nothing stays the same?? Bittersweet! This is discussed along with:

the bitch that is Megan Fox
the hot that is Zac Efron
Star Trek glasses
Kendall buying cassette tapes
Wilson Philips
and more all SASSED up!!

Join us, won't you?? After you hear the show- you'll want to start over again too! (Including MEDIA MINUTE, BAD JOKES, and THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Katharine Hepburn

a '60 MInutes' interview from 1979. She was a treasure!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wanda Sykes at the White House Correspondents Dinner

Black Lesbian Honors Black President!!!
It's all funny, but the best stuff may be in the 2nd part.

Happy Mother's Day

. . . to all you mothers out there! If you haven't gotten Mama a gift yet- you could at least sit and listen to this week's show together.  Talk about bonding!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fiber Caper!!

Our loyal listeners will know we love some fiber bars- but have you seen the new knock off kind?? They may be tainted like the Joker's brand X merchandise in the original (and best) Batman movie from 1989. 


Haven't tasted them yet, but they got the box down so well- the foodstuffs themselves are really not so important. 

I used to have this poster in my bedroom as a child! Tidbit!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What was Kendall up to in Phoenix?

Wondering what Kendall was up to those three months in Pheonix? Check THIS out!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Our brother in elastic waist pants has passed on . . .

We'll miss him, but like when Kendall and I die, we know he is in Heaven at the head of the buffet line. We'll meet you there soon, Dom!

Dom Deluise 1933 - 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Drink up- it'll be 365 days until the next Cinco de Mayo!!

What better way to celebrate than by grabbing a six gallon bulb of margaritas and settling back to listen to our "Cinco de Fatso" show: up now!

Make sure you stay tuned until the end- the trip to Busheltown is one you won't soon forget!

Happy Cinco de Mayo everybody! Below: Vintage art from last year's show. Time marches on!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dolly on weight loss:

"I'm up and I'm down, but I don't have any tips for anybody. It's a bitch any way you look at it. You either starve or you get fat."

Get these motherfu . . . Plane story

Remember when Kendall and I did that show when we were on the plane, seated on either side of a crusty nun? Well- if you don;t SHAME on U!

Anyway- we should have waited, because the future of air travel sounds mighty LUXurious 2 US! Private compartments, wi-fi, lounges, and other perks make it sound like all us will one day be members of the mile high club! Of course, Kendall and I would each need to book a double-wide compartment if we hoped to get anyone else in there with us. Learn more HERE!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Oak Ridge Boys White Stripes??

For some reason the Oak Ridge Boys have covered The White Stripes song "Seven Nation Army."  It's pretty -----good!  If the rest of their album is crazy covers . . . I might have to buy it!