So it goes.

This weekend we said goodbye to Hollywood legend Paul Newman. He was a great talent, and a remarkable philanthropist. And, well . . . one of the best lookin' men ever- you don't have to be Mary or Rhoda to notice. Maybe he'll be a guest on "Cloud to Cloud."

Friday, September 26, 2008

From the Road . . .

Kendall would want me to tell you that I am on sabbatical. I have not yet written a book, left TN, or done much more than watch Netflix and read. But someone once said "Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything." Of course freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

At any rate it was my birthday recently! And above is photographic evidence that so far on sabbatical I stopped by the woods on a sweaty afternoon, had my picture taken with Heather in between a barn and a Sonic, crammed my mouth full of Blizzard, and been shoved in a washing machine by Beadie. More to Come!

Technical Difficulties

Hi Listeners,

Cliff and I had a little technical difficulty this week.  It seems a small portion of myself was mysteriously erased from the podcast.  Sometimes this stuff happens.  Was it Grandpa McCain trying to shut us as well as America down.  We may never know.  At any rate, the problem has been fixed and the show has been re-uploaded with all the sass that was intended.  If you have already downloaded the show, just erase and re download.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks and happy listening,
           Cliff and Kendall

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Episode - Cliff and Kendall Fall into Fall

See all that is in store for you this fall on Cliff and Kendall: Coast to Coast (shameless plug).  On this episode Cliff and Kendall dish on what coming up on the show and what's happening in the other (non important) world of media.  Also on the show - Sassy (Bad) Jokes, Media Minuet, Kendall passionately defends Dane Cook, and Trailer Park Review!!!!!!

"Can't be missed," claims the Busheltown Gazette!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Madonna: Just Like Us!!

Performing in Italy this week, the Queen of All Things: Madonna in effect said "Take this, Pope!" when she dedicated a song to him!!

She must be a fan of mine and Kendall's podcast! We're always giving stuff to the pontiff. Watch the video above (its 2008 so its from a cell phone, but they had good seats and the quality's pretty good) and see which of her biggest hits she sent out to the Popester via the Universe and thousands of Italian fans!

Friday, September 5, 2008

More Palin!

Dig this bitch like you're looking for oil in our unspoiled wilderness!

A Bit of Good News

In this horrible election era- I found out something great!

Did you know that the DVD seasons of "Roseanne" are so affordable?? I got 3 of them today at an evil conglomerate that is taking over the world- for only $13 bucks a piece!! That's for about 75 shows total!

Click HERE to go see for yourself at Amazon. 8 out of 9 seasons are 15 bucks or less. Buy up and remember the days when working families were able to laugh about their problems.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Episode - When we're 64

This week on the show, Cliff and I discuss what life, our lives, and this podcast will be like when we're 64.  Also on the show this week - bad jokes, more fiber in the kitchen, and a special guest gives us an etiquette lesson.  Also, sass, sass, sass!!!!!

Bitch is Nuts!

Everyone knows Kendall and I had chosen our bitch to be Hillary- we loved her more than peanut butter Fiber One bars!

But now the Republicans have chosen a bitch for themselves- some idiot who used to be the mayor of the meth capital of Alaska. See above!!

Just remember- Cliff and Kendall's bitch is Barack- and don't you forget it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin

Now Cliff and I are in strong favor of a woman in the white house, as our strong support for Hillary Clinton suggests, but I ask you this.  Hillary worked here

and Sarah Palin worked here

If you want to buy bait and tackle then the McCain/Palin ticket is for you.  And given grandpa McCain's health record, Sarah Palin will one day be running the country.  She dose not have the experience to run this country.  I do have a better suggestion though.